western festival banner
The Western Festival committee has decided with much regret to cancel this year’s event. The Cosumnes Community Service District and the Western Festival board have agreed that some of the deadlines set for the Western Festival have not been met for this year. Some of the processes are taking longer than in past years due to the amount of work because of new regulations.

We are asking that if anybody would like to participate in helping with this event for next year, please volunteer, please e-mail the committee and request to come to our next meeting. There are a lot of good ideas that have been discussed for this year’s event, that will continue to be part of next year’s event. There are some exciting new things that we hope will happen, we look forward to seeing you in 2026.
Thank You,
Lynden King
The Elk Grove Western Festival President

Although we won’t have the Western Festival this year, the 2025 Elk Grove Western Festival High School Poster contest is still ongoing.  The deadline to turn in their entries is February 28, 2024.  The entries will be judged and the winners will be recognized and awarded during the April 15, 2025 EGUSD Board meeting.

 Schedule of Activities

Activity/Event For Friday May 2nd

Carnival 4-9 pm

Western Idol

Activity/Event For Saturday May 3rd

Art Show  8am-5pm
Beer Garden
Car Show   7am-4pm
Carnival   11an-9pm

Craft Vendors   10am-5pm
Food Vendors   11am-5pm

Kids Zone  12pm-5pm
Main Stage Music  3-5pm and 6-8pm
Parade   10am-11am
Western Idol

Activity/Event For Sunday May 4th

Art Show  8am-5pm
Beer Garden
Carnival  12pm-7pm

Craft Vendors   10am-5pm
Food Vendors  10am-5pm
Kids Zone  12pm-5pm
Main Stage Music  6pm-8pm
Western Idol





Post 55
American Legion
Car Show


The PubKats
Saturday 3-5 pm
The California Cowboys
Saturday 6-8 pm
Sunday 6-8 pm



Kids Zone


Fun Activities for Every Generation

Elk Grove Western Festival

PO Box 475
Elk Grove, Ca 95759

Call or Text 916-208-8095